Page in Progress
A reproductive narrative that explores a different way in which egg and sperm cells emerge as entities in an experimental story of conception.
«Ovum, corona radiata, ooplasm, cytoplasm, spongioplasm, hyaloplasm, deutoplasm.» The author creates an narration to human reproduction with natural and industrial elements. A reproductive narrative that explores a different way in which egg and sperm cells emerge as entities in an experimental story of conception. Stories of reproduction are «the bottom line», so to speak, of perceptions of gender and gender difference. To discuss how gender is intricately and inadvertently implied in stories where egg and sperm cells take centre stage; on the one hand the gametes imply the meaning of women and men, but, on the other, this displacement liberates cultural meaning-making processes. But also: Pollution, contamination: we create plastic, it is our real reproduction that born and change life on Earth. An imaginative zygote in a video installation.