in duo with Natalia Lis (SAMAMBAIA)
Terra Vermelha is an integrative audiovisual project by Pavel Tavares and Natalia Lis. In partnership with the Brito Paes school and its community, there were three months of contact and realization with the driving idea of creating unique and vivid moments, expressing each person's interiority, desires, frustrations, moving the body, the senses, feelings and imagination through the creation of dream-scenes, involving movement, image and sound. The cosmopolitan and rural spirit of the territory is the great character-context, where all these subjectivities are expressed, each one in a single magical cinematographic plane, in homage to the first cinema. Leaving the comfort zone and allowing oneself to encounter what each person most wants to expose to the world and reconnect within oneself, or discover new ways of getting to know oneself, the other and the Alentejo, brought to this project so much possibility of a film as an audiovisual installation (24 videos in 4 screens). With the support of the Artist in Residence program, National Arts Plan, Portugal.