The daily life of the village Mbya Guaraní Jasy Porã, in which its children, who form a choir, demonstrate an intrinsic wisdom of living in harmony and serenity with the environment, with simplicity and beauty at every moment of the day. The temporality, the daily cycle, the musicality of the jungle and the mimetized men. Karaí, Monica, Mabel, Frederic, Santos Divino and their brothers invite us to know their way of feeling and being in the mount of Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina

– Links:

Distribution: http://blog.filmstofestivals.com/jasy-pora-2057/
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMupo60yztU
Facebook: www.facebook.com/jasydocumental

Technical Info / Información Técnica:

(2014) / 00:26:00 / HD (DSLR) / Color / 25 fps / ratio: 1.77:1 (16:9) / PAL / Sound: WAV 48b

– Director Statement / Declaraciones del Director:

This is a movie about the resistance, the love and the harmony with nature against the brutality of the world.

Es una película sobre la resistencia, el amor y la harmonía con la naturaleza en contra de la brutalidad del mundo.

– Festivals, Awards and Nominations / Festivales, Premios y Nominaciones:

– Festival de Cine Tres Fronteras – “Best Regional Short Film”; 10/2014; Argentina.

– FICSC, Festival Internacional de Cine Social de Concordia; 05/2015; Argentina.

– Festival Oberá en Cortos – “Audience Award”; 07/2015; Argentina.

– FIEC, Festival Internacional de Escuelas de Cine; 08/2015; Uruguay.

– FLVR, Festival Latinoamericano de Video – “Best Cinematography”; 09/2015; Argentina.

– CILECT, International Association of Film and TV Schools – “Best Documentary”; 09/2015; Bulgaria.

– FICUNACH; Festival Internacional de Cine de la Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas; 11/2015; México.

– Festival Wallmapu, Festival Internacional de Cine y Video de los Pueblos Indígenas; 11/2015; Chile.